neděle 25. prosince 2016

Exhaust set up

Goose neck to prevent intake of water into the engine It also works as a silencer. Welded from elbows and pipes. Reduction from 90mm to 60mm.

Propeller in place

neděle 4. prosince 2016

Engine bed

Most of the work is done hand fitted on the boat. Paper board is very usefull to use for actual size items to be placed into the boat (engine, windshield etc.). For this you need a lot of IKEA shopping to get those free :-).

neděle 13. listopadu 2016

The engine roar

After some fun with ground cables, relays checking, glow plugs measurement, another relay check and repair, here it is: 

It consumes a LOT of water. Couple of seconds and the 30 liters of water are out...

neděle 9. října 2016

Sides done

Polyurethane white top coat. Next one is the bottom rail and some stripes.

sobota 24. září 2016


Do you remmember the cabin from ET movie?

Covered wooden deck and the bottom of the hull.

First layer, you can still see some darker spots to be covered by the second layer.

sobota 3. září 2016

Stripes on the front deck

Great fun listening to Vltava band and working together on epoxy filler for the stripes and stripping off masking tape.

neděle 28. srpna 2016

Epoxy filler

Sea-line white epoxy filler, consumption about 1,5 kg for the whole deck.

Routed grooves

6mm width with a router, depth approx 1,5 mm. The deeper the cut the more filler you will need. 

neděle 21. srpna 2016

Deck sanded and primed

150 g Epoxy primer Sea-line for one layer (2 layers with in-between sanding). This closes the grain and the risk being stained by white filler is reduced.

neděle 14. srpna 2016

Back side deck planked

Good result to close the gap between planks is to hammer it in softly having the wedge like shape.

pátek 12. srpna 2016

Floors and seats varnished

This was a lot of varnishing. The total surface (both sides) were more than the boat itself. Used cheaper polyurethane varnish.

neděle 19. června 2016


This construction project is really a teamwork. You can see so many activities going on and so many materials needed for the work :-).

Thrust bearing bracket

The bracket will be bolted between motor stringers and the middle part is ready to accomodate shaft thrust bearing. The central hole shall be drilled bigger (the shaft will be 25mm).

The back side of the bracket facing the motor is reinforced with ribs to avoid bending caused by the shaft thrust. Probably overkill but one never know... the lenght of the bracket is 60cm, material is 5mm steel. Next step is to hot dip galvanizing.

At the end this was not used due to the lack of space. So no axial bearing is in and it works just fine.

Welded posts for silent blocks

They will be bolted to the motor stringers (see two holes on the vertical part). 4 pieces, each bolted with 2 bolts (10mm).

středa 15. června 2016

středa 1. června 2016

The engine has arrived!

FNM make, 100HP, 1:2 reduction ratio. Integrated gearbox. Beauty. A bit bigger for the boat. But smaller engines are below 40HP and that would be just too small to tow a skier.

sobota 21. května 2016

Fairing the deck and testing various varnishes

This is testing Epoxy primer, filler and top coat varnish. Some testing of the process what to do first (primer or filler before varnish?). Picture show cross cut of the testing deck with filler.