neděle 16. srpna 2015

Stern and grooves

Grooves to set level for mating surfaces for decking.

Build up level for stern deck.

neděle 9. srpna 2015

Stern floor

Just some playing around, trimming the side edges, fairing transom, cutting screws that went through, cleaning up a bit the internals of the hull from the glue drops.

Floor board for the stern part.

sobota 8. srpna 2015

After turning

This is one of the most emotional moments. The boat is here for admiration, planning, dreaming...

Boat turning

6 guys were just enough to turn the boat over.

pátek 7. srpna 2015

Cradle for the turning

After the colour and a layer of varnish the boat is ready to be turned. The cradle was made from scrap wood and four wheels to push it around the shop. Steel heavy duty wheels are recommended. One of the durable plastic wheels colapsed during manipulation...

neděle 2. srpna 2015

Green-blue bottom

Polyurethane colour bottom. One more layer to go than 2 coats of varnish before the boat is turned.