středa 31. srpna 2016

neděle 28. srpna 2016

Epoxy filler

Sea-line white epoxy filler, consumption about 1,5 kg for the whole deck.

Routed grooves

6mm width with a router, depth approx 1,5 mm. The deeper the cut the more filler you will need. 

neděle 21. srpna 2016

Deck sanded and primed

150 g Epoxy primer Sea-line for one layer (2 layers with in-between sanding). This closes the grain and the risk being stained by white filler is reduced.

neděle 14. srpna 2016

Back side deck planked

Good result to close the gap between planks is to hammer it in softly having the wedge like shape.

pátek 12. srpna 2016

Floors and seats varnished

This was a lot of varnishing. The total surface (both sides) were more than the boat itself. Used cheaper polyurethane varnish.