čtvrtek 10. prosince 2015

úterý 17. listopadu 2015

středa 4. listopadu 2015

2.years aniversary

The project just turned 2 years. Celebrated by some more fairing.

čtvrtek 29. října 2015

Fairing starts with rable notches

To define the flat surface for the deck, the notches/rables are great navigation for fairing.

...and on the transom:

neděle 25. října 2015

Deck frame

Finally completed deck frame. One frame is still missing and that is the one over the engine. I have not decided yet on the back part layout of the deck. One version is to have completely covered back cockpit if there are no pasangers in the back.

Some more measurements needed though...

pondělí 14. září 2015

neděle 16. srpna 2015

Stern and grooves

Grooves to set level for mating surfaces for decking.

Build up level for stern deck.

neděle 9. srpna 2015

Stern floor

Just some playing around, trimming the side edges, fairing transom, cutting screws that went through, cleaning up a bit the internals of the hull from the glue drops.

Floor board for the stern part.

sobota 8. srpna 2015

After turning

This is one of the most emotional moments. The boat is here for admiration, planning, dreaming...

Boat turning

6 guys were just enough to turn the boat over.

pátek 7. srpna 2015

Cradle for the turning

After the colour and a layer of varnish the boat is ready to be turned. The cradle was made from scrap wood and four wheels to push it around the shop. Steel heavy duty wheels are recommended. One of the durable plastic wheels colapsed during manipulation...

neděle 2. srpna 2015

Green-blue bottom

Polyurethane colour bottom. One more layer to go than 2 coats of varnish before the boat is turned.

úterý 28. července 2015

neděle 19. července 2015

Primer coat

Sea line GRP epoxy primer coat, 2 layers. Top coat, colour and varnish to go before we turn the boat.

úterý 14. července 2015

Spray rail completed

After filleting and some more sanding the boat is ready for primer-filler.

neděle 21. června 2015

Spray rail

Mounted on the hull. Filled screw heads with epoxy+glass dust.

sobota 6. června 2015

Glass completed

Final layer of mithril applied to the hull. Now sanding and getting ready for the primer coat. Consumption 5kg resin + 2,5kg hardener.

neděle 31. května 2015

Fiberglassing almost done

Completed forward section fiberglassing except the stern part (next weekend plan). Done with my father-in-law.

No drinking and eating policy, but when it comes to mixing epoxy, Zlatopramen cup is a king.

neděle 24. května 2015

Fiberglassing cont.

50% of the hull completed. Consuming 100g/1m2 per each layer of 160gsm glass. 2 layers plus one for reinforcement of corners, keel and stern. The base layer takes up some more as the wood sips some.

neděle 17. května 2015

Fiberglassing begun

First couple of test run on scrapwood. Ordered Expoxy from Havel composites and first part done is transom. Mahog parts appear very nicely. Epoxy is well workable, it can be trimmed in 5-8 hours, after that it is hard. It sets fully in more than 24 hours. Sanding is more easy than sand mahog planks or epoxy. Epoxy appear to be quite nasty stuff, but work with it is clean without fumes and odour. When it sets it is almost clear as plexiglass with very light yellow tones.
Whole boat can be fiberglassed in one day, if you have helper, everything ready and you know what you are doing. I plan to do it in a week over evenings.

úterý 28. dubna 2015

Planking completed

Finalized planking including transom mahogany which will not be covered by paintwork. The picture shows future wheel frame members on which the boat will rest on during deck construction.

pondělí 13. dubna 2015

Stern planking

Most feared process fitting the ply while bending and gluing is done. Glue is set and I plan to release the stress of the ply when on the boat. For that I plan to pour boiling water over the stern part and cure for an hour or so.

pondělí 6. dubna 2015

Planking cont.

Easter time, three days off and a lot of work done. Completed 80% of planking!

With those guys and for those guys :-)

pondělí 19. ledna 2015


Mahogany planks glued to the transom, some fileting had to be done between them. Some more tests of the laminates, expoxies done on scrap wood to test the process and results.