Side panels fully completed yesterday. I have built easy plywood bending jig to pre-bend the aft part of the panels to allow easier fit on the frames, chines and sheer logs. So the most complicated structural work is behind me. Each side consumed 300g of Epoxy.
The next step is to glue mahog planks on the transom, finish the bottom pannels and start fiberglassing.
pondělí 29. prosince 2014
1. year aniversary
Its been a year since this project started. The total hours would be an equivalent of 1,5 working month. In fact most of the work has been done during 4 weeks full time and the rest is minutes and hours here and there... So about 200 manhours.
pondělí 8. prosince 2014
Front side panels
After tedious fairing and repairing some fairing mistakes, front side panels glued in place. Side panels are from two pieces butt-joined at the aft section.
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