Latest development on the boat is a steambox. I had to stop the work on the boat until this piece of hardware would help me to bend the sheers and chines along the boat. It is simple plywood box with 10cm inner copper tube and insulation around it. Steam is introduced from the other side (teapot with boiling water on a small stove). To heat up the pieces takes more than 1 hour.
neděle 29. června 2014
pátek 13. června 2014
Battens and chines glued
not according to the original plan of assembly but... the plan now is to make a steam box to provide for easier and safer sheer and chine bending around the hull.
neděle 8. června 2014
Major framework almost completed
Glued transom and bulkhead to stringers, cut limbers, glued and screwed battens, first pair of chines put in place.
neděle 1. června 2014
Chines on the scene
Most of the memebers assembled, but not glued yet. Chines had to be "hot water over rag" cured to allow bending in the forward part. I made a mistake here mixing up chines and battens. But after giving it some thought, there will be no major impact. Sheers will have the correct members again, but the second pair of chines has to be again steam/hot water cured to allow bending.
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