neděle 23. března 2014

Testing glass

Last year I bought resin from the Havel Composites and today was the time of testing. First of all I prepared dummy joint of two plywood on mahogany. Fairing mahogany or Gabon is like opening the box of cigars :-)

Than I applied the resin over 225g/sqm glass. It allowed me more than 1 hour of work and I had to move it to 20 Celsius to fully harden. It is almost fully transparent, the colour of the wood is enriched, the company says it is UV resistant so it should stay like that..

I plan to use this piece to test fillers, paint and also antifouling paint and final varnishes.

sobota 22. března 2014


Today the cradle for the boat turn-around is completed. The reason for doing it now is to copy the shape from the No 2 and 4A frames. The longitudinals will be plumbed to the cradles just before the boat is turned around (to save space until that moment). I have stappled the camping mat to the profiles to provide basic scratch protection. The front wheels are fixed, the back wheels tilt for easy push around in the shop.